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(2024年)社科期刊 social sciences periodicals英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-05-24 01:41:06

社科期刊,social sciences periodicals

1)social sciences periodicals社科期刊

1.According to the datum ofsocial sciences periodicals concerned which gained the national periodical prize,the district distribution and branch of learning distribution of these periodicals are analyzed.根据国家期刊奖获奖社科期刊的有关资料,对前三届国家期刊奖获奖社科期刊的地区分布和学科分布作了统计分析与比较,以求达到寻找差距、制定对策、提高我国社科期刊的整体水平的目的。

2.The appraisal of China ssocial sciences periodicals mainly depends on digest amount, which has many deficiencies.长期以来,我国社科期刊主要依赖文摘量来实现对期刊的评价,此评价体系存在许多不足。


1.Consideration about Characterization of Social Science Periodicals of Xinjiang Higher Education新疆高校社科期刊特色化办刊的思考

2.A Statistical Analysis of Social Sciences Periodicals Which Gained the National Periodical Prize;前三届国家期刊奖获奖社科期刊统计分析

3.Keeping pace with the times, running good periodicals of social science and developing philosophy and social science;与时俱进办好社科期刊 发展繁荣哲学社会科学

4.Operating Academic Journal Well and Prospering Social Sciences;办好学术期刊 繁荣社会科学——第四届全国综合类人文社科期刊高层论坛综述

5.At the Crossroad: 10 Dilemmas for Journals of Social Sciences;徘徊于十字路口:社科期刊的十个两难选择

6.The Action of Social Science Periodial in Cultural Construction and the Principle That Should Be;社科期刊在文化建设中的作用及应坚持的原则

7.An Analysis on the Management State of the Foreign Comprehensive English Journals of Social Sciences;国外社科综合性英文期刊办刊情况分析

8.A Summary of the Researches on the Periodicals of Humanities and Social Science;人文社会科学期刊研究综述

9.Review and Summary of the Research of the Journal of China s Social Sciences in 2002;2002年中国的社会科学学术期刊研究

10.The Total Quality Control of Academic Periodicals onSocial Science in Institution of Higher Education;高校社科类学术期刊的全面质量控制

11.A new method of subject selection of sci-tech periodicals based on social focus科技期刊选题策划的社会热点切入式

parative Study on Athletic Journals Using Database of "Chinese Serials Index: Social Sciences;利用《中文社科报刊篇名数据库》比较分析体育科研期刊

13.Tibetan Studies has become one of the 100 leading Chinese periodicals on the social sciences.《西藏研究》已成为全国中文期刊社科类百种优秀期刊之一。

14.An Analysis of the Cited Half-life of Chinese Social-Science Periodicals;中国人文社会科学期刊被引半衰期分析研究

15.One Journal Two Systems: The Optimal Choice for Documentation in Comprehensive Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities Journals;一刊两制:综合性人文社会科学学术期刊文献引证体例的最佳选择

16.Academic-weight Analysis of Comprehensive Humanities and Social Sciences Editions of Fu Yin Bao Kan Zhi Liao《复印报刊资料》人文社科综合类期刊学术影响力分析


18.On the Properties of Academic Periodicals--Taking Academic Journal for Example;学术期刊属性刍议——以高校社科学报为例


social science periodical社科期刊

1.Taking the selection of the coresocial science periodicals collected by the library of Guangdong Administrative Vocational College as the example,this paper introduces the procedures and methods for determining the collected coresocial science periodicals by using the biblio-metrological theory and adopting the abstracting method,and indexing method,etc.以广东行政职业学院图书馆馆藏核心社科期刊的选择为例,介绍了运用文献计量学理论,采用文摘法、索引法等,确定馆藏核心社科期刊的步骤和方法。

2.In the new siutaion, thesocial science periodical plays a vital part in our social life, and the quality evaluation of it is a very important job to do.新形势下社科期刊在社会生活中起着重要作用,社科期刊质量评价是非常重要的工作。

3.As far associal science periodicals are concerned, the computer provides authors with new research skills, editors with new editing modes, publishers with new circulation channels and readers with new reading media, thus giving a brand-new look to periodicals.对于社科期刊而言,计算机给作者以新的研究技巧,给编者以新的编辑模式,给出版者以新的发行渠道,给读者以新的阅读媒体,这一切都正在赋予期刊一个全新的面貌。

3)social science journal社科期刊

1.Internet technique andsocial science journal press modernization网络技术与社科期刊出版现代化

2.This paper expounds the significance and necessity of the circulation ofsocial science journals,puts forward some measures for the circulation ofsocial science journals,and points out that the circulation ofsocial science journals is a useful supplement to literature resources of the library.阐述了社科期刊流通的意义及必要性,提出了社科期刊流通的措施,指出了社科期刊流通是对图书馆文献资源的一种有益补充。

4)journal of social sciences社科类期刊

5)Scientific and technical periodical press科技期刊社

6)comprehensive social science journals综合性社科期刊


