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新闻娱乐化 news entertainment英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-05-23 19:54:11

新闻娱乐化,news entertainment

1)news entertainment新闻娱乐化

1.On moderation ofnews entertainment;浅谈新闻娱乐化的“度”

2.Since the beginning of this new century,research onnews entertainment in China has attracted more and more attention with the development of the practice of new activities.从21世纪初开始,伴随着日渐活跃的新闻娱乐化的实践,“新闻娱乐化”开始进入中国的媒介研究领域并日益成为一个热点。

3.This paper clarifies that the phenomenon ofnews entertainment in modern China has historical inevitalility from perspective of psychology,marked and ideology.从人际心理、市场与意识形态三个不同的层面进行分析,阐明了中国当代新闻娱乐化现象的存在有其历史必然性。


1.Play Elements and the Representations of Sports News Entertainmentization;体育新闻娱乐化——娱乐因素及表现方式

2.News Amusement: Natural Existence on a Newly Existing Way of News;新闻娱乐化:新的新闻存在方式的自然生成

3.Analyzing and Discussing the phenomenon of News Tending to Entertainment on the Condition of General Adoption of Market principle;解析市场化条件下的新闻娱乐化现象

4.News Entertainment Through the Vision of Political Economy of Communication;传播政治经济学视野中的新闻娱乐化

5.An Analysis on the Type of Mistakes in Hard-news Infortainmentand Its Countermeasures;“硬新闻娱乐化”失误类型分析及对策

6.In Some Degree and Out of Place on Entertainment of Sports News;体育新闻娱乐化的“适度”与“失度”

7.Modern Media, Postmodern life and News Entertainment;现代传媒、后现代生活与新闻娱乐化

8.Negative Effects Produced by Sports News Entertainmentization and Our Control Strategies论体育新闻娱乐化的负效应及其控制

9.On the News Entertainment of China s Present Massive Media;当前我国大众媒介新闻娱乐化现象剖析

10.Criticism and Con-criticism a Dialectic Treatment on the Current Phenomenon of Entertainment News;批判与反批判—辩证对待当前新闻娱乐化现象

11.Multi-discipline Interpretation on the Rationality and Advancement of Sports News Entertainmentilization;多学科解读体育新闻娱乐化的合理性与进步性

12.On Soft Journalism in American Press;制度变迁视野中的美国新闻娱乐化现象初探

13.We should study entertaining news earnestly and follow news laws.我们要认真研究新闻娱乐化,不要媚俗,要遵循新闻的自身规律。

14.The Further Research of the Phenomenon of Present TV-new Entertainment under Visual Culture in Our Country;视觉文化语境下我国目前电视新闻娱乐化现象再研究

15.The Amusement of Enter Tainment News and News Turns Can t Neglect the Regulation of News;娱乐新闻和新闻的娱乐化不能忽视新闻的基本规律

16.The Extensive Amusement in News Program and the Decline of Entertainment News Program--On the post-entertainment phenomena of the TV news program in Taiwan新闻节目的泛娱乐化与娱乐新闻节目的式微——解读台湾电视新闻的后娱乐现象

17.Entertaining news contains entertainment one which is main content.娱乐新闻包含在新闻的娱乐化大潮中,并且是主力军。

18.The Entertainments News Reporting under the Influences of the Cosumption Culture;《消费文化影响下的娱乐新闻报道》


news amusement新闻娱乐化

1.The author try to see the social value of news media fromnews amusement s view.新闻娱乐化是中国新闻事业的一部分,其性质当然不会与整体性质有根本的不同,试图从新闻娱乐化的角度去看媒体娱乐文化的社会意义。

3)entertainment-oriented news娱乐化新闻

4)hard-news infortainment硬新闻娱乐化

1.The article districtshard-news infortainment from soft-news infortainment and points out that thehard-news infortainment is more likely to result in social problems.将"硬新闻娱乐化"现象从"新闻娱乐化"现象中抽离出来,指出硬新闻娱乐化更容易带来社会问题;概括了硬新闻娱乐化现象的四种失误类型;指出硬新闻娱乐化现象带来社会问题的原因及其对策。

5)the television news entertainment电视新闻娱乐化

1.News in nowadays,and it also tell the characteristics of the mass culture whatthe television news entertainment appear.在电视进入以受众为中心的消费时代后,中国的电视新闻纷纷打出“娱乐”牌,出现了一种电视新闻娱乐化的倾向。

6)Entertainment Element体育新闻娱乐化


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
