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从你的全世界路过经典语录 英文版

句子大全 2023-10-09 03:20:01

我希望有个如你一般的人I hope someone like you如这山间清晨一般明亮清爽的人Such as the mountain in the morning light and fresh如奔赴古城道路上阳光一般的人like to sun people on the road to the city温暖而不炙热,覆盖我所有肌肤Its warm but not hot and covering all my skin由起点到夜晚,由山野到书房from the starting point to the night ,From the mountain to the library一切问题的答案都很简单And all the answers are very simple我希望有个如你一般的人,贯彻未来,数遍生命的路牌I hope someone like you, Implement the future, The number of times the signs of life ——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》世事如书,我偏爱你这一句,愿做个逗号,待在你脚边。但你有自己的朗读者,而我只是个摆渡人。The world is like a book, but I prefer this one you, I would like to be a comma, To stay with you. but you have your own reader. Im just a ferryman. ——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》在季节的车上,如果你要提前下车,请别推醒装睡的我,这样我可以沉睡到终点,假装不知道你已经离开。In the season of the car, if you want to Get off ahead of schedule, please dont wake me up, So that I can sleep to the end, Pretend not to know that youre gone. ——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》一个人的记忆就是座城市,时间腐蚀着一切建筑,把高楼和道路全都沙e5a48de588b67a6431333361316634化,如果你不往前走,就会被沙子掩埋。所以我们泪流满面,步步回头,可是只能往前走。A persons memory is just a city, the time is eroding all buildings, and All the buildings and roads are all in the sand. If you dont go straight ahead, youll be buried in the sand. So we burst into tears, step by step, but we can just move forward.——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》我淋过的最大的雨,就是那一天你在烈日下的不回头。The biggest rain Ive ever had, Is that one day you do not look back under the hot sun.——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》你燃烧,我陪你焚成灰烬;你熄灭,我陪你低落尘埃;你出生,我陪你徒步人海;你沉默,我陪你一言不发;你欢笑,我陪你山呼海啸;你衰老,我陪你满目疮痍;你逃避,我陪你隐入夜晚;你离开,我只能默默等待。youre burning, I accompany you to burn to ashes. you put out, I accompany you to the sea on foot. youre in silence, I accompany you to be silence. youre smiling, I accompany you to mountains and seas are whistling. youre aging, I accompany you devastated. youre running away, Ill be with you in the night. if you leave me,I can only wait for.——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》可不可以等等我,等我幡然醒悟,等我明辨是非,等我说服自己,等我爬出悬崖,等我缝好胸腔,来看你。Can you waiting for me? when I wake up, when I can distinguish between the right and wrong, when I can convince myself, when I was Climbed out of the cliff, when I Sew up the chest. to see you.——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》所有人的坚强,都是柔然生的茧。All the peoples strong, its All ROEN raw cocoon ——张嘉佳《从你的全世界路过》纯手工翻译,望采纳
